
  • Ahriyani Rahim Universitas Bosowa
  • Hermawati Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bosowa
  • Fitri Ariani Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bosowa

Kata Kunci:

Sampo, , jeruk nipis, mentimun, formulasi sampo, efektivitas sampo


This research aims to determine the optimal concentration of shampoo made from lime and cucumber by varying different concentration ratios, and to determine the effectiveness of the shampoo on hair and scalp. The method used was the method of processing lime and cucumber samples using an oven to reduce the water content. Next, make shampoo with varying concentrations of lime and cucumber. The quality of the shampoo that has been made is then tested using organoleptic test parameters, pH and foam stability. The best quality shampoo will be applied to respondents by looking at the effect of the shampoo on dandruff, irritation on the scalp and softness of the hair. The results of the research show that shampoo made from 1% lime and 20% cucumber has a good effect on dandruff with a total percentage of respondents of 60%, does not cause irritation to the scalp, and can soften hair with a percentage of respondents of 60%.


KEY WORDS: Shampoo, lime, cucumber, shampoo formulation, shampoo effectiveness




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